传统点云分割三部曲(一)——VCCS(Voxel Cloud Connectivity Segmentation)


我之前狭隘地以为只有点云深度学习才能处理分割问题,偶然发现传统方法的分割结果一样可以令我眼前一亮。这三篇论文原文是:VCCS原文 LCCP原文 CPC原文



2.1 摘要部分


2.2 方法

后文中 V r ( i ) = F 1.. n V_r(i)=F_{1..n} Vr(i)=F1..n,代表分辨率为 r r r的体素云中索引为 i i i的体素,体素用 F F F来描述, F F F是一个 n n n维特征向量,包含了体素的颜色、位置、法线等信息。

2.2.1 Adjacency Graph

构建邻接图是本文提出方法中的关键,对于体素化的三维空间,有三种邻接的定义方式,6-,18-和26邻接,可以用魔方来辅助理解,6邻接包含六个面的中心块,18邻接再包含12个棱块,26邻接则是再包含8个角块。遍历每个体素,使用 3 R v o x e l \sqrt 3R_{voxel} 3 Rvoxel的搜索半径即可完成邻接图的构建


2.2.2 Spatial Seeding

种子点会被用于初始化超体素,首先以 R s e e d R_{seed} Rseed的分辨率对空间再做一次栅格化, R s e e d R_{seed} Rseed需要大于 R v o x e l R_{voxel} Rvoxel,这很容易理解,因为超体素中需要包含多个体素。然后找到每个大体素( R s e e d R_{seed} Rseed)中距离中心最近的小体素( R v o x e l R_{voxel} Rvoxel)作为初始种子体素。未被占据的大体素将不被考虑。 R s e e d R_{seed} Rseed的大小会直接影响到最后超体素的大小


对于被查询的种子体素,以 R s e a r c h R_{search} Rsearch半径搜索其周围的体素个数 N N N R s e a r c h R_{search} Rsearch小于 R s e e d R_{seed} Rseed但大于 R v o x e l R_{voxel} Rvoxel,在代码中使用的是 0.5 R s e e d 0.5R_{seed} 0.5Rseed。如果 N N N小于某个阈值,则认为是噪声。阈值的确定,结合示意图,我猜测是统计过查询体素的平面(图中的绿色平面)会包含多少在 R s e a r c h R_{search} Rsearch范围内的体素,以此作为阈值。代码实现使用了一个经验值:
N = 0.05 × R s e a r c h 2 ∗ π R v o x e l 2 N=0.05\times \frac{R_{search}^2*\pi}{R_{voxel}^2} N=0.05×Rvoxel2Rsearch2π

G ( i ) = ∑ k ∈ V adj ∥ V ( i ) − V ( k ) ∥ C I E L a b N a d j , G(i) = \sum_{k \in V_{\text{adj}}} \frac{\| V(i) - V(k) \|_{CIELab}}{N_{adj}}, G(i)=kVadjNadjV(i)V(k)CIELab,

  • L* 表示亮度,从0(黑色)到100(白色)。
  • a* 表示从绿色到红色的颜色对立。
  • b* 表示从蓝色到黄色的颜色对立。


2.2.3 Features and Distance Measure

F = [ x , y , z , L , a , b , F P F H 1..33 ] F=[x, y, z, L, a, b, FPFH_{1..33}] F=[x,y,z,L,a,b,FPFH1..33]
F P F H FPFH FPFH是点云的一种特征描述子,具有位姿不变性,用来描述点云的几何特性,计算复杂度是 O ( n ⋅ k ) O(n\cdot k) O(nk) n n n是点云个数, k k k是计算特征子时所考虑的邻域点个数。

为了计算 F F F之间的距离 D D D,需要先对各部分做归一化,这很容易理解,因为不同物理量的单位不同,不能使用相同的权重。公式中的 m m m是一个常数,没啥用。。。。论文中并没有明确指出测试使用的权重,实际需要根据自己对不同特征的侧重来选择
D = λ D c 2 m 2 + μ D s 2 3 R s e e d + ϵ D H i K 2 D = \sqrt{\frac{\lambda D_c^2}{m^2} + \frac{\mu D_s^2}{3R_{seed}} + \epsilon D_{HiK}^2} D=m2λDc2+3RseedμDs2+ϵDHiK2

2.2.4 Flow Constrained Clustering

本文的聚类方法是k-means的一种变体,会考虑到连通性和流动性。 k-means算法 本文的改进

从最靠近聚类中心的体素开始,向外流动到相邻的体素,计算与聚类中心的距离(用上一节的距离计算公式),如果距离是该体素见过的最小值,就会设置其标签,并使用邻接图将其邻居均添加到这个标签的搜索队列中。然后处理下一个超体素,这样所有超体素都能同时的向外进行。“We proceed iteratively outwards until we have reached the edge of the search volume for each supervoxel (or have no more neighbors to check).” 结束条件没看懂。。。。



2.3 PCL代码


#include <pcl/console/parse.h>
#include <pcl/point_cloud.h>
#include <pcl/point_types.h>
#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
#include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>
#include <pcl/segmentation/supervoxel_clustering.h>

//VTK include needed for drawing graph lines
#include <vtkPolyLine.h>

// Types
typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBA PointT;
typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointT> PointCloudT;
typedef pcl::PointNormal PointNT;
typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointNT> PointNCloudT;
typedef pcl::PointXYZL PointLT;
typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointLT> PointLCloudT;

void addSupervoxelConnectionsToViewer (PointT &supervoxel_center,
                                       PointCloudT &adjacent_supervoxel_centers,
                                       std::string supervoxel_name,
                                       pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr & viewer);

main (int argc, char ** argv)
  if (argc < 2)
    pcl::console::print_error ("Syntax is: %s <pcd-file> \n "
                                "--NT Dsables the single cloud transform \n"
                                "-v <voxel resolution>\n-s <seed resolution>\n"
                                "-c <color weight> \n-z <spatial weight> \n"
                                "-n <normal_weight>\n", argv[0]);
    return (1);

  PointCloudT::Ptr cloud (new PointCloudT);
  pcl::console::print_highlight ("Loading point cloud...\n");
  if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile<PointT> (argv[1], *cloud))
    pcl::console::print_error ("Error loading cloud file!\n");
    return (1);

  bool disable_transform = pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "--NT");

  float voxel_resolution = 0.008f;
  bool voxel_res_specified = pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "-v");
  if (voxel_res_specified)
    pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-v", voxel_resolution);

  float seed_resolution = 0.1f;
  bool seed_res_specified = pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "-s");
  if (seed_res_specified)
    pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-s", seed_resolution);

  float color_importance = 0.2f;
  if (pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "-c"))
    pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-c", color_importance);

  float spatial_importance = 0.4f;
  if (pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "-z"))
    pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-z", spatial_importance);

  float normal_importance = 1.0f;
  if (pcl::console::find_switch (argc, argv, "-n"))
    pcl::console::parse (argc, argv, "-n", normal_importance);

  //  //
  // This is how to use supervoxels
  //  //

  pcl::SupervoxelClustering<PointT> super (voxel_resolution, seed_resolution);
  if (disable_transform)
    super.setUseSingleCameraTransform (false);
  super.setInputCloud (cloud);
  super.setColorImportance (color_importance);
  super.setSpatialImportance (spatial_importance);
  super.setNormalImportance (normal_importance);

  std::map <std::uint32_t, pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr > supervoxel_clusters;

  pcl::console::print_highlight ("Extracting supervoxels!\n");
  super.extract (supervoxel_clusters);
  pcl::console::print_info ("Found %d supervoxels\n", supervoxel_clusters.size ());

  pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr viewer (new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer ("3D Viewer"));
  viewer->setBackgroundColor (0, 0, 0);

  PointCloudT::Ptr voxel_centroid_cloud = super.getVoxelCentroidCloud ();
  viewer->addPointCloud (voxel_centroid_cloud, "voxel centroids");
  viewer->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE,2.0, "voxel centroids");
  viewer->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_OPACITY,0.95, "voxel centroids");

  PointLCloudT::Ptr labeled_voxel_cloud = super.getLabeledVoxelCloud ();
  viewer->addPointCloud (labeled_voxel_cloud, "labeled voxels");
  viewer->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_OPACITY,0.8, "labeled voxels");

  PointNCloudT::Ptr sv_normal_cloud = super.makeSupervoxelNormalCloud (supervoxel_clusters);
  //We have this disabled so graph is easy to see, uncomment to see supervoxel normals
  //viewer->addPointCloudNormals<PointNormal> (sv_normal_cloud,1,0.05f, "supervoxel_normals");

  pcl::console::print_highlight ("Getting supervoxel adjacency\n");
  std::multimap<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t> supervoxel_adjacency;
  super.getSupervoxelAdjacency (supervoxel_adjacency);
  //To make a graph of the supervoxel adjacency, we need to iterate through the supervoxel adjacency multimap
  for (auto label_itr = supervoxel_adjacency.cbegin (); label_itr != supervoxel_adjacency.cend (); )
    //First get the label
    std::uint32_t supervoxel_label = label_itr->first;
    //Now get the supervoxel corresponding to the label
    pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr supervoxel = supervoxel_clusters.at (supervoxel_label);

    //Now we need to iterate through the adjacent supervoxels and make a point cloud of them
    PointCloudT adjacent_supervoxel_centers;
    for (auto adjacent_itr = supervoxel_adjacency.equal_range (supervoxel_label).first; adjacent_itr!=supervoxel_adjacency.equal_range (supervoxel_label).second; ++adjacent_itr)
      pcl::Supervoxel<PointT>::Ptr neighbor_supervoxel = supervoxel_clusters.at (adjacent_itr->second);
      adjacent_supervoxel_centers.push_back (neighbor_supervoxel->centroid_);
    //Now we make a name for this polygon
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "supervoxel_" << supervoxel_label;
    //This function is shown below, but is beyond the scope of this tutorial - basically it just generates a "star" polygon mesh from the points given
    addSupervoxelConnectionsToViewer (supervoxel->centroid_, adjacent_supervoxel_centers, ss.str (), viewer);
    //Move iterator forward to next label
    label_itr = supervoxel_adjacency.upper_bound (supervoxel_label);

  while (!viewer->wasStopped ())
    viewer->spinOnce (100);
  return (0);

addSupervoxelConnectionsToViewer (PointT &supervoxel_center,
                                  PointCloudT &adjacent_supervoxel_centers,
                                  std::string supervoxel_name,
                                  pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr & viewer)
  vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> points = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New ();
  vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray> cells = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCellArray>::New ();
  vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyLine> polyLine = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyLine>::New ();

  //Iterate through all adjacent points, and add a center point to adjacent point pair
  for (auto adjacent_itr = adjacent_supervoxel_centers.begin (); adjacent_itr != adjacent_supervoxel_centers.end (); ++adjacent_itr)
    points->InsertNextPoint (supervoxel_center.data);
    points->InsertNextPoint (adjacent_itr->data);
  // Create a polydata to store everything in
  vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polyData = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New ();
  // Add the points to the dataset
  polyData->SetPoints (points);
  polyLine->GetPointIds  ()->SetNumberOfIds(points->GetNumberOfPoints ());
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < points->GetNumberOfPoints (); i++)
    polyLine->GetPointIds ()->SetId (i,i);
  cells->InsertNextCell (polyLine);
  // Add the lines to the dataset
  polyData->SetLines (cells);
  viewer->addModelFromPolyData (polyData,supervoxel_name);


  • 需要调整的参数有五个 R s e e d R_{seed} Rseed R v o x e l R_{voxel} Rvoxel λ \lambda λ μ \mu μ ϵ \epsilon ϵ,对于没有RGB信息的点云,颜色权重可以设为0
  • 比较好的效果应该如下图所示(注释掉了addSupervoxelConnectionsToViewer

  • 如果发现有空洞的情况出现,下图进行了一种比较极端的展示

    这种情况是因为 R v o x e l R_{voxel} Rvoxel设置的太小,已经接近了实际点云的点间距,尤其是对于RGB-D数据,距离越远点云越稀疏,所以出现了很多没被栅格化的区域;而同时 R s e e d R_{seed} Rseed设置的太大,导致很多点被当作离群点去除了。