单词太多啦, 我这里只列表我个人见得比较多的, 我没见过就不列举了. 有错误或想补充的可以提交在原仓库提交Pull Request. 😁
GitHub地址: https://github.com/rd2coding/Awesome-Tech-Words
Gitee地址: https://gitee.com/xiaozhengN/Awesome-Tech-Words
规范书写 | 不合适拼写举例 | 备注 |
RESTful | Restful、RestFul | REST=Representational State Transfer |
Spring | spring | |
Spring MVC | SpringMVC、Springmvc | Spring MVC中间有空格! |
Spring Boot | Springboot、SpringBoot | Spring Boot中间有空格! |
Spring Cloud | Springcloud、SpringCloud | Spring Cloud中间有空格! |
OOP | oop | Object Oriented Programming |
PO | po | Persistant Object |
POJO | pojo | Plain Ordinary Java Object |
Web | web、WEB | |
Java | JAVA、java | |
JVM | jvm、Jvm | Java Virtual Machine |
GC | gc | Garbage Collection |
Java EE | java ee | Enterprise Edition |
Java SE | java se | Standard Edition |
Golang | golang | |
Python | python | |
Linux | linux | |
Runtime | runtime | |
DNS | dns | Domain Name System 域名系统 |
DI | di | Dependency Injection 依赖注入 |
DB | db | DataBase |
ACID | acid | Atomicity+Consistency+Isolation+Durability |
DDL | ddl | Data Definition Language 数据定义语言 |
DML | dml | Data Manipulation Language 数据操纵语言 |
MySQL | mysql | |
SQLite | sqlite | |
SQLServer | sqlserver、SQLserver | |
NoSQL | nosql、NOSQL | NoSQL=Not Only SQL |
JDBC | Jdbc、jdbc | Java Database Connectivity |
ORM | orm | Object/Relational Mapping 对象/关系映射 |
JPA | Jpa | Java Persistence API |
MyBatis | mybatis、Mybatis | |
MyBatis-Plus | MyBatisPlus myBatis-plus | |
Maven | maven、MAVEN | |
Redis | redis | |
MongoDB | mongoDB | |
MQ | mq | Message Queue |
RabbitMQ | rabbitMQ | |
RocketMQ | rocketMQ | |
ActiveMQ | activeMQ | |
Netty | netty | |
gRPC | grpc | |
Dubbo | dubbo | |
JSON | Json | JavaScript Object Notation |
JWT | jwt | JSON Web Token |
XML | Xml | Extensible Markup Language |
API | Api | Application Programming Interface |
Jenkins | jk、jenkins | |
Docker | docker | |
UML | Uml | Unified Modeling Language |
SOA | Soa | Service Oriented Architecture |
MVC | Mvc | Model–View–Controller |
MVVM | Mvvm | Model-View-ViewModel |
MVCC | mvcc | MySQL: Multi-Version Concurrency Control |
MVP | Mvp | Model-View-Presenter |
持续更新中… | - | - |
规范书写 | 不合适拼写举例 | 备注 |
HTTP | Http、http | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol |
HTTPS | https、Https | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over SecureSocket Layer |
DOM | dom | Document Object Model |
JavaScript | javascript、Javascript、js、JS | |
CSS | Css、css | Cascading Style Sheets |
HTML | Html、html | Hyper Text Markup Language |
jQuery | jquery、JQuery | |
Bootstrap | bootstrap | |
Node.js | node、NodeJS、nodejs | |
Vue.js | vue、VUE、vue.js | |
React | react | |
Angular | angular | |
TypeScript | typescript | a “flavor” or “variant” of JavaScript |
Lodash | lodash | A modern JavaScript utility library delivering modularity, performance & extras |
webpack | Webpack | static module bundler |
Vite | vite | build tool |
Babel | babel | The compiler for next generation JavaScript |
Ant Design | ant design | An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library |
Element | element | a Vue 2.0 based component library |
持续更新中… | - | - |
规范书写 | 不合适拼写举例 | 备注 |
App | APP、app | |
iPhone | iphone | |
iOS | ios、IOS | |
Android | android | |
持续更新中… | - | - |
规范书写 | 不合适拼写举例 | 备注 |
Hadoop | hadoop | |
HDFS | hdfs、Hdfs | Hadoop Distributed File System |
HBase | hbase、Hbase | |
Hive | hive | |
Yarn | yarn | |
Kafka | kafka | |
ZooKeeper | zookeeper、zk | |
Flink | flink | |
Elasticsearch | elasticsearch、ElasticSearch、es | |
Kibana | kibana | |
Kubernetes | k8s | 官方简写为K8s |
持续更新中… | - | - |
规范书写 | 不合适拼写举例 | 备注 |
SVN | svn | Subversion |
Git | GIT、git | |
GitHub | github、Github | |
Gitee | GitEE、gitEE | 官网帮助文档是: Gitee |
Intellij IDEA | intellij idea、idea | |
Eclipse | eclipse | |
MyEclipse | myeclipse | |
Postman | postman/PostMan | |
Visual Studio Code | vscode | |
Vim | vim | |
Makefile/CMake | makefile/cmake | |
持续更新中… | - | - |