webrtc ios build signing
$ gn gen out/ios --args='target_os="ios" target_cpu="arm64" rtc_include_tests=false' --ide=xcode
- 打开 Keychain Access 应用程序
- 在左侧的导航栏中选择 “login”(登录)
- 在右上角的搜索框中输入证书的标识符或名称,例如 - “501352425@qq.com”
- 右键单击要删除的证书,并选择 “删除”
ERROR at //build/config/ios/ios_sdk.gni:142:33: Script returned non-zero exit code.
ios_code_signing_identity = exec_script("find_signing_identity.py",
Current dir: /Users/stone/webrtc/src/out/ios/
Command: python3 /Users/stone/webrtc/src/build/config/ios/find_signing_identity.py --matching-pattern Apple Development: 501352425@qq.com (M4SLWMVGS5)
Returned 1 and printed out:
Automatic code signing identity selection was enabled but could not
find exactly one codesigning identity matching "Apple Development: 501352425@qq.com (M4SLWMVGS5)".
Check that the keychain is accessible and that there is exactly one
valid codesigning identity matching the pattern. Here is the parsed
output of `xcrun security find-identity -v -p codesigning`:
1) 7D4B9***********************************: "Apple Development: 501352425@qq.com (M4SLW*****)"
2) 51899***********************************: "Apple Development: 501352425@qq.com (M4SLW*****)"
2 valid identities found
See //build/config/sysroot.gni:73:5: whence it was imported.
See //build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni:5:1: whence it was imported.
See //BUILD.gn:24:1: whence it was imported.